You’re building the future
Break ground without breaking rules
Keep your edge
The NBFI and fintech world is all about innovation. It’s about questioning the way finance works and looking for a fresh approach. NBFIs are a crucial player in restoring financial inclusion to challenging regions; they have the agility and appetite to fill the void of bank derisking. That can sometimes make them unpopular, a threat even. You need to be able to forge ahead without looking over your shoulder. Regulators and banking partners need to see that you’re a safe, compliant and well-governed organisation.
CertiQi allows you to show tangible evidence of your dependability and professionalism - and help you build the competitive advantage that will power you to the next stage.
You can’t operate alone
The CertiQi network connects you to a spectrum of advantages
Unless your company is a very rare beast indeed, it can’t execute every stage of an international payment, from receiving funds, compliance and currency conversion, through to settlement, without involving specialist partners. And how you connect with those partners can be crucial to your delivery; delays, errors or unexpected costs are expenses you just can’t afford.
Let’s look at how you can leverage new partnerships and connect better with existing ones.

Implement your way
When you operate under established workflows and operating methods, it’s not always easy or desirable to change. You have big plans for improving your systems and improving your customer service, but you can’t afford to interrupt the daily necessities of running the company. Fortunately we have quite a few ideas on that score

Let’s talk tech…
…or strategy, of course, but as an NBFI there’s every chance that technology ranks high in your offering. But technical or tactical or business, we have the right people to share your ideas with.