AML risk rating companies:

You’ve built the technology

Now let’s make it work harder for you

We don’t do compliance investigation

That’s what you do

CertiQi makes payments safer by providing the mechanisms for secure and effective data sharing. Verification of documents, background checks, adverse media searches, market value intelligence and many other factors are an important component of making trade safer.

But that’s not our job, though we do get asked about it - quite often - which is where you come in.

We already work in partnership with several intelligence providers, but there’s always room for innovation and new ideas. By connecting to our network you can offer your services right at the point of transaction.

Do the work once; sell the results many times

Our data sharing platform means that all of the parties in a business chain can access the full background documentation that supports every transaction. In many cases, these will be the same documents that you used to perform your diligence on your clients’ customers.

When a further party in the transaction chain views those documents via an eKeyiD, they see the evidence, but not the results of your diligence.

If you’re linked to CertiQi through our API network, then the information pack can include a message that risk intelligence is available on this transaction. Clicking the link allows new customers to pay for one-off access to your findings, or to choose from your menu of services to sign up for an extended relationship.

Let’s connect

We love partnership. We bring each other quality business while delivering a better service for our clients. Here’s where to get the ball rolling…