A world of opportunity
Find customers, sell your goods, get paid. It should be that simple
…but it usually isn’t
In a connected world, why are you faced with so many obstacles?
Exporting the fruits of your labour doesn’t just reward you and your staff, it supports the economy of your whole country. It’s more than important, it’s vital
It may be vital, but it’s not easy. You need to make contact with a buyer who might be half a world away. You’re dealing with strangers who know little about you and you have scant knowledge of them, or even whether you’ll get paid. And if you’re in a country with limited - possibly no - access to international banking, then the odds are really stacked against your success.
Even if you can find a company to convey payment to you, it will often be at high cost and take days - sometimes even weeks - for the money to reach you.
How we can help
Introduction to a payment provider
Our payment network includes cutting-edge fintechs, global banks and world-leading card schemes. We have existing connections in well over 100 countries, ready to work with you and help you grow your business.
Show your credentials
Working across borders means that you may need to onboard with different banks and other institutions. You’ll often be asked for background information, and payment may well be displayed until it’s been verified.
A CertiQi eKeyiD for your company gives you an instant response to such queries and helps you get your money faster.